Join Master students in Strategic Urban and Regional Planning for a dynamic pitch session where they showcase their ideas on urban climate transitions and discuss the power of collaborative efforts among researchers, urban planners, citizens, policy makers and other stakeholders!
All over the world, local governments and municipal administrations are tackling the challenges presented by climate change - how to transition to fossil-free and climate-robust societies as smoothly as possible, while at the same time aslo successfully manage climate transitions in strategic planning?
These are some of the questions Master students at the course Strategic Planning for Urban Climate Transitions will be looking into. This seminar is a part of a Master programme Strategic Urban and Regional Planning taught at Linköping University. All students have completed a case study to overview the climate work in an assigned city in order to identify key urban climate transition challenges and recommended responses. At the seminar they will pitch key recommendations for accelerating urban climate transitions for cities of London, Rotterdam, Durban and New York.
For more information please get in touch with Mattias Hjerpe, Associate Professor Linköping University, at or 011-36 34 38.
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