Innovation is more important than ever. In this presentation you will learn what Vinnova means when they talk about innovation that makes a difference, how Vinnova as an innovation agency work and what kind of funding is available for you who have an innovation projects underway.
Vinnova is Sweden's innovation agency and has the task of strengthening Sweden's ability to innovate in order to contribute to sustainable growth. Vinnova works daily to open up for innovation that makes a difference. In this presentation, Annie Lindmark at Vinnova, will talk about why innovation is more important than ever, what Vinnova means when they talk about innovation that makes a difference, how Vinnova as an innovation agency work and what kind of funding is available for you who have an innovation projects underway.
Bio: Annie Lindmark is working with innovation related questions and funding of innovative projects within companies and research at Sweden’s innovation agency Vinnova. Her main expert areas are around innovative SME:s & emerging technology.
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