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Meetup at Goto 10 in Malmö

Hello Human Connect

14 Mar 2025, 17:30–20:00 | Organizer: David Degbor , Hello Human Connect

Learn how to reduce anxiety about how to start or maintain conversations with strangers. Being able to have fun or meaningful conversation can add immense value to your ability to be in the moment, make new friends, learn new things or laugh. This can reduce feelings of loneliness for many. 

Evenemanget är på engelska men du är välkommen att prata svenska om du vill. Alla är välkomna.

Do you want to learn how to effortlessly initiate and have conversations with a wide range of people? Do you want to expand the circle of people you can have authentic conversations with, in a safe space? Do you want to share your experiences and learn from others who want to focus on the things that unite us as humanity rather than dividing us? Do you feel as though it is time to unlearn some of the biases you may have?

If you answered yes to any of the above then YOU are invited to embark on a journey of connection with us.This time we will be discussing how to initiate and hold conversations with strangers in different situations. Many people have anxiety about how to start, maintain or end conversations with strangers. Being able to have fun or meaningful conversation with people can add immense value to your ability to be in the moment, make new friends, learn new things and laugh. Those types of interactions can drastically reduce feelings of loneliness for many.  We will discuss some ways in which you can create "incoming conversations" and sharpen your "outgoing" skills. Come and learn or share your tips for others, in our safe space.


17h35: Introductions
17h45: Discussion topic intro: Initiating conversations. 
17h55: Grounding exercise
18h00: Discussions
18h40: Snack break
18h50: Discussions
19h30:  End
19h30 - 20h00: Extra discussion time if needed.

What to bring: Respect and good intent.


Hello Human Connect’s origins:

There is massive “unlearning” of biases that has to happen for us all to move forward to a place where we can all call each other human beings and not by other labels.

As I planned and thought about how to structure these events I wondered why we generally have a fear to speak out about injustices or a fear to speak deeply with each other. I, like many, needed to overcome the fear of being judged or failing because not doing anything to try to save our collective humanity is a cost too large to bear for my conscience. Speaking to each other honestly and without judgement can be so powerful.

What is happening in the world makes me sad. A lot of it has to do with the many “us vs them” events that take place on this rock hurtling through space.

So I invite all you beautiful humans to come and co-create together, for all of us.

The event will be a dialogue based event where people can come to discuss their “-isms” from a place of wanting to understand and unlearn. ie. “why is it racist if I say this…”, “I don’t understand how to be an ally to women or minorities”, “how do I deal with people who want me to use different pronouns”, etc.

Deep and potentially hot topics but we will create a safe space for people who want to take the first step of change in their own lives and make friends beyond their regular homogeneous groups.

Watching the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu go through the Truth and Reconciliation Commission talks when apartheid ended in South Africa makes me believe that there is something powerful in dialogue and forgiveness.

So Hello Human Connect is a mix of two concepts:

1. “Ubuntu” – a concept in which your sense of self is shaped by your relationships with other people. It’s a way of living that begins with the premise that “I am” only because “we are.”
2. Kintsugi – the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with urushi lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum. The beauty of the repaired object incorporates the fact that it was previously broken. The idea being that the dialogue and understanding is the golden bond that reunites all the splintered labels and definitions of self into a functioning beautiful whole again.

So come to connect, share, learn, eat a snack and meet some real humans in real life.See you there.

Goto 10 är en arena där individer och organisationer kan dela kunskap, idéer och perspektiv. Detta event speglar arrangörens åsikter och delas inte nödvändigtvis av oss på Goto 10 och Internetstiftelsen. På Goto 10 får idéer och kunskap testas, diskuteras och utvecklas så länge de följer våra riktlinjer.

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