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Previous presentation at Goto 10 in Stockholm

Future of Reality - How to live in mixed realities

15 Aug 2019, 18:00–20:30 | Organizer: Stockholm Futurists

The event has passed.

A future look on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in relation to our ordinary reality. How will we navigate in a landscape with more than one reality, what will be the pros and what will be the cons? Join us at Goto 10.

Foto: Stockholm Futurists Logo

Stockholm Futurists together with the guest of the evening, Trieuvy Luu who is an Interaction Designer at Above and also a co-organiser of the new Speculative Futures Stockholm group.

For this event, Trieuvy will present a speculative project on a data-obsessed future, where our everyday life, habits and values become altered by technologies.

And as always we are hoping for a great discussion with all of you! So let's not wait for the future let's make it happen now!

Agenda for the evening!

18:20 Welcome and introductions
18:30 Stockholm Futurist – Future of Reality

Jane Skullman from Stockholm Futurists. The future of VR & AR will be a mixture of technologies including AI and our own personal data! Our reality will be a "blend" of the physical environment and data streams sometimes or maybe even all the time, controlled by AI.

This meetup will not be so much of are we going to use these realities! It will rather be about how we will interact and how it will change us as human beings.

19:00 Guest of the evening - Trieuvy Luu, Interaction Designer at Above

Trieuvy Luu is an Interaction Designer at Above and also a co-organiser of the new Speculative Futures Stockholm group. In his work he focuses on humans, technology and future speculation, questioning the opportunities and tensions that arise in this intersection.

For this event, Trieuvy will present a speculative project on a data-obsessed future, where our everyday life, habits and values become altered by technologies.

19:30 Open discussion

Snacks and drinks will be available

Goto 10 är en arena där individer och organisationer kan dela kunskap, idéer och perspektiv. Detta event speglar arrangörens åsikter och delas inte nödvändigtvis av oss på Goto 10 och Internetstiftelsen. På Goto 10 får idéer och kunskap testas, diskuteras och utvecklas så länge de följer våra riktlinjer.