This presentation will explore the less examined side of customer data collection: The benefits we receive from sharing our data to companies, accompanied by everyday examples. We will also examine the consequences of data sharing, beyond the discussion of security breaches and privacy violations.

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Data collection happens everywhere. The amount of digital data that exists is growing at a rapid rate, doubling every two years, and changing the way we live. By the year 2020, about 1.7 megabytes of new information will be created every second for every human being on the planet.
However, when customer data collection is in the news, it’s usually bad: The Cambridge Analytica scandal, security breaches, privacy violation, and the latest, Netflix’s The Social Dilemma, all portray a very grim picture of how companies use our data.
But customer data collection is more than the negative headlines we see every other day.
In this presentation we will explore the less examined side of customer data collection: The benefits we receive from sharing our data to companies, accompanied by everyday examples that most people can relate to. We will also examine the consequences of data sharing, beyond the discussion of security breaches and privacy violations.
No prior knowledge is required to participate. The lecture is especially suitable for
👉🏼 Those who believe data collection is evil.
👉🏼 Those who believe data collection is amazing.
👉🏼 Those who have no opinion on the topic at all but are curious to learn more about how their data is used by companies.
You will be able to take the information and apply it to your everyday life to gain a greater perspective of how your data is used, and the benefits and consequences of sharing it with companies.
Watch the event via Youtube with this link:
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