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Tidigare meetup på Goto 10 i Stockholm

C++ Stockholm 0x0E

23 aug 2018, 17:30–21:30 | Arrangör: Foo Café

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C++ Arrives at Foo Café, with Ólafur Waage sharing how he learnt to explain complexity at Goto 10.

The Icelander & Lightning talks

Welcome to C++ Stockholm 0x0E,

I am happy to announce our special guest Ólafur Waage.

Ólafur is the organizer of the Malmö C++ User Group. I am very happy that he visits us here in Stockholm.


18.00-18.15 – Meet & Greet

18.15-19.00 – Ólafur Waage: We are all C++ teachers

19.00-19.30 – Meet & Eat

19.30-20.15 – Lightning talks special

20.15- ……. – Q&A

The doors will be open from 17:30.

The program in detail:


*Ólafur Waage: We are all C++ teachers

Explaining an idea is hard. This difficulty grows exponentially the more people you need to talk to. This talk will focus on my journey in learning C++ and then teaching it to others. Touching on things like being a student at University, opening my Twitter DM's to the world, showing common pitfalls in the language and how we can approach others when we want to explain a complex subject.

Ólafur Waage, a native Icelander that has lived in Sweden for the past 4 years. A Senior Programmer at Ubisoft Massive on the Uplay PC Backend Team. Before he was a Developer in the Air Traffic Control industry. Lover of games, music and puzzles.


* *Lightning talks:* *

As an appetizer for our lightning talk raffle we will have some lightning talks.

(Order of the talks might change)

-Arvid Norberg : The C++ abstract machine

-Björn Fahller: My favorite memory leak

-Fadi Bitar: Developer Experience (DX): Extending UX principles to developers

-Harald Achitz: Some fun with the , operator

* *Lightning talk raffle:* *

This is an idea we copy from Core C++, the C++ User group of Mevasserat Ziyyon.

Thanks to Adi Shavit for sharing this idea with us and sending us 10 fortune cookies.

Each cookie contains one of the following topics:

1. Horror Story / A Nasty Bug I Had

2. A Cool [Non-GoF] Design Pattern

3. What [I wish] My Mentors [Had] Told Me

4. Good/Bad Interview Questions

5. Book/Video Recommendations

6. A Cool/Interesting Algorithm

7. A Little Known C++ Feature (class enum, override, final, delegating ctors...)

8. Coding Style Guide: My [Company's] Recommendations

9. Debugging Tips

10. How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Embrace ____________

The idea is to find 10 volunteers. Each takes a fortune cookie and gets therefore one of the topics randomly assigned.

We than prepares the talks for a future meetup (October or November).

Note: Volunteers may change topics in between or use any other topic if the selected one does not fit.

It worked great in Mevasserat Ziyyon, so I think we should also be possible to do this in Stockholm!

This is also a great opportunity for every one who wants to give a talk but misses a topic.

Goto 10 är en arena där individer och organisationer kan dela kunskap, idéer och perspektiv. Detta event speglar arrangörens åsikter och delas inte nödvändigtvis av oss på Goto 10 och Internetstiftelsen. På Goto 10 får idéer och kunskap testas, diskuteras och utvecklas så länge de följer våra riktlinjer.