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Previous presentation at Goto 10 in Stockholm

Industry blockchains explained with Nordea we trade, IBM Foodtrust and Superblocks

4 Sep 2019, 17:00–21:00 | Organizer: IBM

The event has passed.

Much are written and said about the vivid DApp community, developing distributed apps for (mostly) personal use off publicly available networks such as Ethereum, EOS, Steem and others. Less have been said about the technical traits of deploying Blockchain and distributed ledger techniques (DLT).

Foto: IBM

17:00-17:30 arrival, food&drink
17:30 Welcome, intro to speakers and meetup (TTT) series

17:40 Nordea & we.trade, Ville Sointu, Head of emerging technologies, Nordea
(A new approach to trade finance, https://www.nordea.se/foretag/ditt-foretag/utveckla-foretag/expandera-till-nya-marknader/we.trade.html)

18:10 IBM Foodtrust, Espen Braathe, Supply chain practice lead&consultant, IBM
(Securing food integrity across the supply chain, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClUq2O1Hmpg)

18:40 Superblocks, Javier Tarazaga Gomez, CTO/Co-founder Superblocks
(A CI/CD and Release Management platform for the needs of blockchain developers, https://superblocks.com)

19:15 Wrap-up TTT team
Mingle & talk with speakers
Much have been written about the vivid DApp community, developing distributed apps for (mostly) personal use off publicly available networks like Ethereum, EOS, Steem and others. Less have been said about the technical traits of deploying Blockchains/distributed ledger techniques (DLT) in B2B applications.
So here's an opportunity listening to both perspectives 🙂
First app stack experiences using Hyperledger Fabric in two newly established B2B services, we.trade with Nordea & IBM Foodtrust.
Then how a well managed DApp/Ethereum architecture and development process looks like from the experts at Superblocks.

Hyperledger Fabric is a category of DLT's known as private and permissioned, https://www.hyperledger.org/projects/fabric
Ethereum is both a live network and a crypto currency (ETH), https://www.ethereum.org/
A candid comparison, https://blockgeeks.com/guides/hyperledger-vs-ethereum/

For developers& tech savvy the evening will bring glimpses into key aspects and considerations you should familiarize yourself with.
The generally interested will get inspiration on application scenarios within banking and retail.

Blockchain specific- and common questions will be covered at individual degree by the speakers: Network, Smart contracts, Application&SDK, programming languages, frameworks, tooling, operations and compliance (PII).

Goto 10 är en arena där individer och organisationer kan dela kunskap, idéer och perspektiv. Detta event speglar arrangörens åsikter och delas inte nödvändigtvis av oss på Goto 10 och Internetstiftelsen. På Goto 10 får idéer och kunskap testas, diskuteras och utvecklas så länge de följer våra riktlinjer.