The Smart City series of lectures span the fundamental ideas, visions and the technologies related to the development of services for the Smart City (or Society) and the Internet of Things. Join us at Goto 10.
Privacy is a basic human right that has been heavily eroded on the point of extinction in the current digital age, as the constant reports on security breaches tell us. With the help of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), privacy has been brought back from the dead, and is at least discussed in most enterprises in Europe, and perhaps a large part of the world. This lecture introduces the GDPR and Privacy, as it relates to the Smart City. It presents concepts such as “Data Protection by design and by default”, “Consent”, “Legal Basis”, etc. It also presents technologies that make protecting Privacy more difficult, and why.
These technologies work against the basic principles of privacy by default, so you need to know the details of how they work, to avoid serious pitfalls. There are also technologies that are more Privacy neutral. While not making data protection easier, at least the technology does not work against the basic principles of privacy. Finally, technologies that intrinsically help you protect Privacy are presented. These technologies make it easier to protect Privacy and sensitive data in general.
Participants are welcome to join the Smart City Labs as well, where we will experiment with the concepts presented in the lectures in a practical manner. Do you have things you want to get connected? Please bring them along, and I’ll help you connect them.
Goto 10 är en arena där individer och organisationer kan dela kunskap, idéer och perspektiv. Detta event speglar arrangörens åsikter och delas inte nödvändigtvis av oss på Goto 10 och Internetstiftelsen. På Goto 10 får idéer och kunskap testas, diskuteras och utvecklas så länge de följer våra riktlinjer.