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Tidigare meetup på Goto 10 i Stockholm

PHP Stockholm

20 sep 2018, 18:00–21:00 | Arrangör: Foo Café

Eventet har redan varit så det går inte längre att anmäla sig. Kika gärna på våra andra event via menyn ovan.

PHP Stockholm is back at Foo Café for the Autumn season. More details to come! Join us at Goto 10.

September is already here. As you may know, September is the month of the meetups. The second meetup in September is about no frameworks and PHP with Jenkins.

Why and how to Jenkins with PHP (by Niklas Modess)

Can you tell how healthy your code is by looking at it? Do you continuously make sure it's doing well and make improvements for its well being? If you're not doing Continuous Integration (CI), the answer to these questions are probably no. Jenkins is the number 1 free and open source continuous integration platform and we'll take a look at how it plays nicely with our PHP applications, for happier and healthier code.

Symfony without the framework bundle (by Tobias Nyholm)

You may have heard people saying that ”Frameworks are bad” or ”Symfony is slow”. It is time to investigate why those people are saying that. We want to see if they are really smart or just stuck in the past.

This talk will go over performance to see what you can do to make an application run faster. (There are no quick fixes) We will also see how we can build applications that responds in less that 15ms and then work towards even faster than that.


17.30: Doors open

18.10: Why and how to Jenkins with PHP

18.45: Break

19.15: Symfony without the framework bundle

20.15: We go to a bar close by

Join us

Join us on Slack (https://phpse.stamplayapp.com/) or be a member of PHP Sweden (http://phpse.org/)

What we're about
We are a bunch of developers in the modern PHP-world. We want to learn from each other and discuss the latest and the greatest.

The organization organising the meetups is PHP Sweden. Our purpose is to spread the word of modern PHP and a better way of programming web applications. Check out our website http://phpse.org (http://phpse.org/) for more information.


More details to come!

Goto 10 är en arena där individer och organisationer kan dela kunskap, idéer och perspektiv. Detta event speglar arrangörens åsikter och delas inte nödvändigtvis av oss på Goto 10 och Internetstiftelsen. På Goto 10 får idéer och kunskap testas, diskuteras och utvecklas så länge de följer våra riktlinjer.