On the surface, implementing encryption looks simple enough. Scratch a bit and strange concepts and far-fetched requirements will emerge.
Encryption is very easy to add, and thus very easy to get wrong. What is really complicated, is to get it right.
This straight talk on how to use encryption when coding will guide you through all the essential details. No pre-knowledge required, but an interest in getting it right when protecting data form malicious actors is greatly appreciated.
Niclas Kjellin is a veteran security architect and developer that have done all the mistakes possible over his 20-year career, and thus hopefully learned a thing or two. To pass the time, he spends his days designing secure software systems and has done so within healthcare, biometric services, digital and physical access control and many other areas.
17:30 – 17:45 – Meet & Greet
17:45 – 18:30 – Presentation
18:30 – 19:00 – Meet & eat
19:00 – 20:00 – Q&A
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